Released in June 2023
Here you'll find the latest news, improvements and patches for our Robin platform.
We're very proud of them, and hope you enjoy them as much as we do!
You can now create a page solely for the use of your collaborators, retaining only editing rights and hiding it from your space if you personally don't need to see it. To do this, activate the "Hide for me" toggle in the relevant page configuration.

We have improved our welcome email to :
- guide you to the login page once you've created your password,
- and give you the option of regenerating an email if the time limit for creating your password has expired.

You've been eagerly awaiting them, now it's possible:
- The reliability of the synthesis field results has been improved, making them even more accurate
- The working hours page has been added to the rights management, so you can now access it if it is configured on your platform
Did you spot a bug too? Don't hesitate to report it to !
Find here the list of patches applied on this version :
- Uploading files is once again possible in the tables.
- A problem affecting the connection of users using the Robin API has been corrected.
Here you'll find the latest news, enhancements and fixes to our MAMS platform.
We're very proud of them, and hope you enjoy them as much as we do!
¶ Refactoring of provisioning and new device fields
IoT device provisioning and editing have been split into two pages to simplify their use.
There are new fields to better monitor and maintain long-term device states:
- Reason for provisioning: optional field to better record sector changes. In future, it will be used in the administrative history of sectors.
- Supply status: defines whether the device has been deployed, is a spare part or is in the process of being RMA/refurbished.
- Battery type is now a dedicated, mandatory field instead of an optional label. To improve naming consistency, you'll now have a selector with only the battery types available for each type of device.
- Designation: define a personalized name. Replaces the special label "Additional UID information" and will be used in searches and mail alerts.
- Customized offline duration: if the default offline duration for this device type is relevant for provisioned devices (too short or too long), a customized duration can be defined.

The provisioning process has been simplified:
- Some fields are now retrieved automatically. It is no longer necessary to enter serial numbers and UIDs for Wizzilab devices, for example.
- Devices are grouped by supplier.
- Only fields relevant to the selected device type are displayed.
- Many fields have been made mandatory, to avoid missing data.
You've been eagerly awaiting them, now it's possible:
- Some changes to the user interface :
- on the order dispatch page, to add visual consistency between our different pages.
- a breadcrumb trail has been added to each page to show you exactly where you are on the platform
- Redesigned sidebar, with two versions:
- A version for users with access to just one sector.
- A version for users with access to multiple sectors (with an administrator menu for administrators).
- The name of the XLSX/CSV export is adapted according to whether it is a creation or a modification on the devices.
Did you spot a bug too? Don't hesitate to report it to !
Find here the list of patches applied on this version :
- The save button has been corrected for creating and editing plans in the map page.
- The map page was loading indefinitely under certain conditions, this has now been corrected.
- The reliability of our K.O. definition has been improved so that the status of devices (alive and KO) is perfectly consistent.
- A few fixes for the Firefox browser