Released in February 2024
Here you'll find the latest news, improvements and patches for our Robin platform.
We're very proud of them, and hope you enjoy them as much as we do!
New feature in the automatic business rules settings page :
- Reduce page load times by adding spinners to slow-loading elements.
- Addition of two new columns: average time between executions and average number of assets modified (over the last 10 executions).
- This makes it easy to detect faulty rules

Did you spot a bug too? Don't hesitate to report it to !
Find here the list of patches applied to this version: 
Here you'll find the latest news, enhancements and fixes to our MAMS platform.
We're very proud of them, and hope you enjoy them as much as we do!
Our alert system has been completely redesigned and simplified to meet your expectations:
- Alerts based on MAMS device fields: offline status and low battery.
- Choose the frequency of sending, to limit the number of e-mails received: either immediately, or grouped over a period (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.).
- Email ergonomics redesigned to be clearer and more complete, with :
- List of new offline or low-battery devices, with :
- date of failure
- time of breakdown
- number of failures during report interval
- current state
- link to position on MAMS map
- Summary of changes since previous alerts

Simplified configuration menu with :
- alert recipients
- type of devices to be monitored
- alert frequency!

Did you spot a bug too? Don't hesitate to report it to !
Find here the list of patches applied to this version: