Be careful! The KPIs editor is only available on desktop_computer: not on smartphone
A KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is an indicator that measures the success of your production or any other criterion of your choice.
On Robin, KPIs are managed in the KPI editor and can then be displayed on the widgets that support it, according to the desired visual (KPI value, KPI evolution, pie chart, histogram, table, gauge). See section configuring KPI widgets for more information.
To access the KPI editor, click on the gear-shaped button at the bottom left of the sidebar, then on "KPI editor" in the "Advanced tools" section, as shown below:
To create a new KPI, click on the blue "Add a KPI" button at the top right of the page. To edit a KPI, click on the three dots to the right of the KPI line you wish to edit, then click on "edit".
In all cases, you will be presented with the following pop-up window:
You can fill in :
There are two types of KPIs:
Depending on the type of KPI you choose, you will have the following configurations to perform:
Setting up a simple KPI is a two-step process:
These steps are described in detail below:
The minimum configuration for calculating a KPI includes the following elements:
To restrict the assets on which the previously selected operation will be performed, you can add conditions to filter the assets.
For example, if you want to perform your calculation only on assets in a certain zone, you can do so by clicking on "Add a condition" and selecting the property or indicator you wish to filter, here "zone", and selecting the "=" operation in this case, then selecting the desired value (for example the "FO Control" zone in the image below).
Some KPI displays require additional information to be supported: breakdowns !
For example, in the case of a pie widget, this would be what distinguishes one pie slice from another.
It is possible to configure 4 types of breakdowns:
To create a breakdown, click on Add a breakdown, then fill in the fields in the pop-up window.
To edit a breakdown, click on the pen icon to its right.
To remove a breakdown, click on the garbage can to the right of its name.
Once you've completed the previous step, click on Next to open a new window displaying the frequency at which you'd like the calculation to be performed.
There are three possible choices:
Good to know: as soon as you create or modify a KPI calculation, its history is deleted and recalculated over the following periods: 1 day (short period), 1 month (intermediate period), 1 year (long period).
Example of calculation over an intermediate period, every day from Monday to Friday at midday and midnight:
Here, you need to create a mathematical formula that combines the KPIs. To do this, you can drag&drop all the elements present in variables, operations and functions into the formula input.
When you drag a KPI, you can then select it by clicking on it and choosing from the drop-down menu. When you drag a number, you can define it by typing it into the blue block you've just positioned.
If you want to remove an item, drag&drop it into the recycle garbage can.
Each time you make a change, you can see the result with the current KPI values, in the "result" box below the formula.
You can also define the following elements:
To delete a KPI, simply click on the three dots to the right of the line of the KPI you wish to delete, then click on "delete" and finally confirm the deletion via the pop-up window that opens at that point.
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